Think I'll give this a go to assist me with the rather tedious task of moving a novel onto a publishing platform one chapter at a time. I'm trying not to spend too much time editing at this stage but keep getting hung up making little fixes. I just need to move the words over efficiently first. So I can nitpick later. 😁

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Yes, that's a common problem -- a pitfall I've fallen into myself a few times! The Pomodoro Technique can definitely help focus on getting more words down when you should rather than polish those words when you shouldn't...!

What platforms are you migrating to/from?

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Perfect timing! I am planning a solo writing retreat in a couple weeks and already planned to use the pomodoro timer to keep myself on track. Here’s my tip for when I’m dragging my great about getting started: set the timer for ten minutes. The super short time is much easier to conquer mentally and usually will generate enough momentum to keep going after the timer starts.

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I like that tip! Sometimes 20 minutes can be overwhelming, especially at first. It never occurred to me to start with a shorter amount. Thanks for the great idea!

Hope your writing retreat goes well!

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Nice one Graham!

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Thanks Tom!

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Thank you Graham! It is so funny! I was thinking last week about using the pomodoro technique for my non-fiction book 😸 great minds think alike 😉 I got an agent and a book deal 🙌 very happy about it! Hope you are doing well.

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Congrats on the agent and book deal! That's exciting news. What's your book about?

Yes, I would think this would be helpful for non-fiction as well. It frees you up to be as creative as you can without worrying about time or, as Meg pointed out, going back to rewrite what you just wrote.

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Thank you Graham - it is about professional and personal development using alternative medicines (incl. psychedelics). Manuscript owed in September and hopefully publication in September 2024 ;)

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Wow - that's super exciting! Congrats on that, and keep us posted how it goes!

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