I know you well enough, Graham, to know that you won't mind a little dissent from the peanut gallery. While I agree wholeheartedly that we writers shouldn't give a fuck what others think, I think we do need to give quite a few fucks about what we think, and mull over our writing long and hard until we're satisfied that it does exactly what we wish. I see too much evidence of sloppy writing out in the world to encourage writers not to worry at all, a lot of it encouraged by those (not you) that suggest that you need to write every week in order to win an audience and GROW, GROW, GROW. I wish some people worried more and took the time to make their writing better.

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Mar 26Liked by Graham Strong

Thanks again for the opportunity to share the contents of my helmet, Graham. 🔥⛑️

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I've found that my best writing always comes out when I stop thinking about what others will think about it. Thanks for putting this in perspective!

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I love how writing sums up life philosophy. The subtle art to give it our all without losing ourselves in attachment, performance anxiety and expectations. Thank you for sharing Graham!

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