"Are you guilty of getting too serious with your writing? What happens when you do? Are you happy with the results? Or does it usually get chucked or – worse – folded into a drawer and you get so discouraged that you stop writing altogether?"

Really needed to see this Graham. Thank you 🙏🏽

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Glad it helped!

Now go retrieve that manuscript...! lol


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Thank you Graham for this wonderful piece.

How to write at our best while having fun and not taking it too seriously, that’s is their question!!

What kills the game for most of us is our expectations. What should be, what could be, what must be…

When we write with wild abandon, for the fun of it, that is when we touch greatness.

Thank you Graham for reminding us of that!

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Oh my goodness Peggy, stop yelling at me!!!

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Hi Peggy -- glad you liked it! And you're exactly right. Our expectations play a big role. That's compounded by the fact that we can't always judge our own writing accurately -- especially right after we write it. Better to write, have fun, put it away, and *then* look at it later with fresh eyes to see if there's anything there.

Thanks for chiming in, Peggy!


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