In my experience, the more you criticize yourself for going so long without writing, the less likely you are to write. This happens because you're building up negative associations with writing in your head. Writing is directly connected to shame, and the mind tries to avoid feeling shame. So it's a negative feedback loop that stifles creativity. Break out of the loop by saying, "It's okay! I can start writing again whenever I want to/ have the capacity to." Great post. :)

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Thanks Lorelei - yes, that's exactly what I've found. That's why I like the permission approach: it cuts off the guilt before it even starts.

...at least in theory. I think for many of us, we're *always* going to fret over not having enough free writing time. But the idea is to reduce the guilt and shame to break that negative feedback loop, so when we are ready to get back at it, we can still have fun with it.

Glad you liked the post -- and thanks for your comment!

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I like this, it's a helpful reminder. I've definitely gone through the guilt phase when I'm not putting words on paper. I seem to be on the opposite end of that at the moment and having a weekly publishing calendar on my newsletter helps a lot. So far it's still exciting and fun. I've hit the grind stages at other times, too. Just hope I can show myself the compassion I need when those times hit. Thanks!

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Ah, those times when it's smooth sailing! Those are definitely the best...

But yes, as you point out, it doesn't always go so smoothly. That's part of the territory. Given the fact that *every single writer on Earth* now and throughout history has struggled at one point or another, it's clear that it's not us. We are not doing anything wrong, and there is nothing we could be doing differently to change it.

Realizing that may not take the frustration of not being able to write for whatever reason. But hopefully it takes away some of the guilt.

Glad the post was helpful for you, Mark! Thanks for chiming in!

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