I’m happy you still like Obsidian! I also email myself everything ;)

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Yeah - love Obsidian. I haven't had much time over the last few months to work on the novel -- too much work and weather. But I did sneak in some hours on the weekend, and used it to develop a character sketch for a new scene I wrote. Very helpful!

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YES! YES! YES! Love these reminders, love the pushback on "if it's good enough I'll remember." Like hell I will. 📝

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Ha - I know. Such an easy trap to fall into sometimes! I still play that game - until I remember that I have a phone right there in my pocket. Takes two seconds to fire off a few words to remind me later...

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Oh yes - all so true! I keep a little book - with a picture of a fox on the cover - in my purse to jot down those thoughts. When I look through them I can pick and choose what ideas will make their way into a book I'm working on. Sometimes the ideas are met with approval, and sometimes I wonder what kind of drug my muse was on when she whispered it into my ear.

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But of course, it needs a fox cover!

Yes, the Muses can be a little wacky sometimes. I've gotten pretty good over the years at guessing their drug of choice though...

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